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Daily Encounter with God
A prayer for each day to guide us into God's presence, echoing Psalm 16:11: "In your presence is fullness; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
The Dirty Dozen: 12 Things God Cannot Do
As a believer, it may seem absurd to think there are things God cannot do, contradicting the belief in His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. One thing is certain: God cannot fail!
The Wizard Of Oz & You
We have identified twelve essential standards for church leaders because leadership requires greater sacrifice and service than the average member.
A Prayer a Day
366 Days with God: Daily prayers guide us into God's presence, allowing us to embrace the truth of Psalm 16:11: "You show me the of life. In your presence, there is fullness of."
Preparing Joshua: Equipping Future Leaders
Preparing Joshua shares 40 years of ministry insights for church leaders. Watley mentors on leadership transition, succession, and financial management, offering valuable lessons for all organizational leaders.
Like Father Like Daughter
David and Tamar, along with Jarius and his daughter, exemplify the father/daughter relationships analyzed by Dr. William D. Watley and Rev. Jennifer Watley Maxwell, emphasizing their intricate nature.
Less than Tipping
Twenty-five Reasons To Tithe
Tithing means giving a tenth of our time, talent, and treasure as an act of worship to God, after committing ourselves to Him. Accepting Jesus as Savior means acknowledging that everything we have belongs to God.
Financial Challenges
God has a greater purpose for us, but many face financial difficulties. Salvation alone doesn't ensure a proper understanding of money.
Congratulations! You Are A Chaperone: Guiding Young Lives
A chaperone supervises young people. The term, from late Middle English, refers to a protective hood. Chaperones are trusted for their diligence and responsibility.
Doing Church Vol. 1 : A Practical Guide by Practitioners
"Doing Church" showcases skilled contributors offering credible insights with a personal touch.
Doing Church Vol. 2 : A Practical Guide by Practitioners
This volume features contributors who excel in church practices, offering credibility and blending personal style with authoritative insights.
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